Wednesday, 11 July 2012

A Request for Help

Can anyone help me?  I am trying to find original copies of 19th and 20th century nursery catalogues from the Veitch nurseries: James Veitch & Son in London and Robert Veitch & Son in Exeter.

Also any family / business papers that have survived.

Many thanks!


  1. Have you tried Plant Heritage? They had a Veitch exhibit at Chelsea Flower Show this year.

  2. Hello Toby,
    there are 3 Veitch catalogues for sale on ebay here's the link

  3. Charlotte Frost13 July 2012 at 00:47

    Hampshire Record Office HRO 63M84/175/2 (Heathcote of Hursley) is an Autumn 1854 catalogue of 'Hyacinths and Other Bulbous Roots' imported from Holland and sold by James Veitch jn at the Exotic Nursery, Chelsea.

  4. Thanks so much for all your help - much appreciated and all your leads and suggestions have been followed up. But still seeking that holy grail of finding a good run of Veitch catalogues
