Tuesday, 26 November 2013

The best gardening short courses for 2014

Many thanks to Ed Cumming (@edcumming) writing in the The Telegraph Gardening (@telegardening) for selecting my online garden history course as one of his best gardening short courses for 2014

The month-long course is hosted by My Garden School and begins on December 07.  Take a look here for more details and a taster of the class.  

For a review by a former student, check out Anastasia Abboud's blog, Our Ever-Changing Landscape.

Review of my Online Garden History Course

As I am sure you all are aware I teach a month-long online garden history course hosted by My Garden School.

A previous student, Anastasia Abboud, very kindly and unsolicited has posted this review of the course and her experiences on her great blog, Our Ever-Changing Landscape.

Thanks Anastasia!

Monday, 25 November 2013

The Body & Philosophy in the Garden

Thanks to philosopher Damon Young (second from right) for writing up a report of The Body in the Garden Festival and posting on his blog, Darkly Wise, Rudely Great.
Damon is also the author of a splendid tome entitled Philosophy in the Garden - currently available here and to be published in the UK early in 2014.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Radio Interview

Just back from a great trip to Australia where I contributed to The Body in the Garden - the inaugural garden and crime writers conference.

And where I was also interviewed by Margaret Throsby  (@margaretthrosby) on her Midday programme on ABC Classic FM.  If you would like to hear our conversation its available here.