Tuesday, 26 June 2012

GardMed - Historic Gardens in the Mediterranean Region

According to The Times of Malta the European Regional Development Fund under the Italia-Malta 2007-2013 Operational Programme is funding a new initiative called GardMed,a network of 15 public and private gardens in Malta and the Southern provinces of Sicily with the aim to promote and conserve the cultural and natural heritage associated with historical Mediterranean gardens.  To quote the Gardmed website:

'The purpose of GardMed is first to establish a network of support and technical expertise to ensure their (the garden's) sustainability and sound management. The ultimate scope of this effort is not limited to the survival of green areas representing our common natural heritage but, more fundamentally, to link their growth to sustainable, conscious, environmentally concerned local development. This effort also entails raising public awareness of Mediterranean gardens as cultural spaces at the centre of the conscious activities of those living alongside them. In other words GardMed wants to transform Mediterranean Urban Gardens from isolated, costly and social ineffective organisms into pivot sustainable agents of environmental urban development.'

As part of the programme, activities are  being held at the University of Malta Argotti Botanic Gardens from end of June until September. For further information contact the Argotti Botanic Garden on + 356 2124 8984 between 8 a.m. and noon, e-mail argottigardens@um.edu.mt or download a list of events at www.um.edu.mt/argotti/activitiesen.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post indeed! I am very thankful that you shared this post.
