Saturday, 18 August 2012

Bad News. And shame on Pilkington Glass

The gates are now permanently closed
The Ormskirk & Skelmersdale Advertiser reports that Nippon Sheet Glass, the parent company of Pilkington has sold to a developer the historic gardens of Lathom Park in West Yorkshire which are next to its European research centre.  This despite being in talks with the Lathom Park Trust to give the gardens back to the local community.

A shameful example of avarice triumphing over culture and history.   Sadly, it will no doubt not be the last.

1 comment:

  1. This is a disgraceful example of the lack of respect for a local community. The story should be sent to the nations broadsheets and exposed for what it is....... immoral and unethical.

    I should point out that Lathom is not actually in West Yorkshire, but Lancashire.
