Thursday, 23 August 2012

Yorkshire Sculpture Park Study Day

A work by Antony Carro at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park
The Yorkshire Gardens Trust and the Yorkshire Sculpture Park are organising a Study Day on September 21.

The day will 'trace the history of the Bretton Hall gardens and park, focusing on major landscaping in the second half of the eighteenth century, and further developments in the early decades of the 1800s. Extensive new research has been conducted over the last year and exciting new material, documentary and visual, will reveal how Bretton was ornamented, and introduce the personalities behind the projects. The Sculpture Park, established in the 1970s, and now with an international reputation, has recently assumed responsibility for the historic designed landscape as a whole. Restoration, conservation, and managing greater public access bring new challenges, as well as additional opportunities for the display of contemporary sculpture and new possibilities for artists’ projects.'

The cost for the day is £50 (includes tea, coffee and a sandwich lunch) and to book a place either email or call  020 7251 2610.

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