Monday 23 January 2012

The Hannah Carter Japanese Garden Under Threat

Last week several newspapers including the Los Angeles Times (and here) and the  Beverly Hills Courier ran articles decrying the planned sale of the Hannah Carter Japanese Garden by UCLA. 

Named in honour of the wife of Edward Carter a former chairman of the University of California Board of Regents, the Japanese Garden was conceived by Nagao Sakurai and Kazuo Nakamura.  

The Garden Conservancy, which has posted a history of the garden, describes it as ‘an exceptional Japanese-style garden built in America in the post-World War II period’ that is ‘in critical danger’ and has urged UCLA to preserve the site.  The Garden Conservancy also asks that that should you wish to learn more about how you can help in this urgent situation, please send an e-mail to

1 comment:

  1. Nooooo, say it isn't so. And they say the universities are "places of learning." Maybe the hard way. I'm off to send an e-mail.
