Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Walled Garden Saved

It is always nice to be able to report good news.  Today’s comes via the Eastwood & Kimberley Advertiser which states that at a recent meeting ‘district councillors in Ashfield agreed to amend the conservation area within the historic village of Teversal’. 

The happy result of this vote is that the new zoning includes ‘several local landmarks including Teversal Manor’s walled garden and the historic field to the south of the Manor.’

Those literary buffs amongst you will no doubt be aware of Teversal Manor's  significance.  For the rest of us, the Manor in 
Nottinghamshire is considered by many to be the inspiration for Wragby Hall.  And Wragby Hall features in which famous novel from 1928 and banned until 1960?  Why, D H Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley's Lover of course!

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