Thursday, 4 October 2012

The Cultural Landscape Foundation Lists a Dozen At-Risk Landscapes

Image from Innisfree Garden
The Innisfree Garden in Millbrook, NY is a 150-acre public garden which was originally the private domain of Walter and Marion Beck, who in the 1920s purchased several hundred acres of Millbrook as a summer residence.

Image from The Cultural Landscape Foundation
In 1938 the Becks met landscape architect Lester Collins who was influenced by Modern architect Walter Gropius and Modern garden designer Christopher Tunnard, and his experiences of visiting gardens in Japan and China.  Together with the Becks Collins designed what is described by Innisfree Garden as 'the ancient art of Chinese landscape design has been reinterpreted to create, without recourse to imitation, a unique American garden.'   

Image Credit: Matthew Bensen & CLF
There is an extended history of the gardens by The Cultural Landscape Foundation (TCLF)  Established in 1998 TCLF aims to educate people about historic landscapes through training programs, partnering with local groups and publicity for at-risk space.

Both thankfully and sadly Innisfree Garden is on on TCLF  Landslide listing for 2012.  Landslide comprises twelve examples of threatened and at-risk landscapes, which this year also includes the Hannah Carter Japanese Garden and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Landslide will be officially announced this Thursday at the Stewardship of Central Park's Woodlands Launch Reception, a TCLF event in association with New York's Central Park Conservancy

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