Friday, 14 December 2012

Biodiversity Heritage Library Images Follow-up

Thanks for your comment Anonymous, and I have been Tweeting with the folks at the Biodiversity Heritage Library  () on exactly that.  The topic of plant names that correspond with the images in their photostream.

In some cases there is no problem, the plant is named on the plate, for example Hooker's rhododendrons. 

But in the case of Curtis's Botanical Magazine, for instance each plate has a number and each volume an Index that links plate  numbers to plant names

I suggested to the BHL that they put the plant name in the image file name, but can see that this would be too labour intensive.

The BHL replied asking that we users help by 'machine tagging' the images. 
The link is in blue
In the bottom left corner of every image there is a link that takes you to the image in its volume on the BHL website, and the next page in the text has the plant name/description.

I then asked the BHL, for the Curtis's volumes at least, to include in each photoset an image of the Index which would make it far easier and quicker for volunteers to help machine tag the plants.  We will wait and see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. This is extremely helpful. Is anyone checking for accuracy of user machine tagged images? Perhaps it's up to other users to identify errors, spelling or otherwise.
