Saturday, 18 February 2012

More on World's Most Expensive Snowdrop

Galanthus woronowii ‘Elizabeth Harrison’
A press release from the famous British seed house, Thompson and Morgan, revealed that they were the purchaser of the world's most expensive snowdrop.  And its not the first time that they've spent big on a bulb.  The press release states that 'Thompson & Morgan hopes to be able to produce this variety and bring pleasure to as many gardeners as possible.  These unique Galanthus are notorious for their slow rates of multiplication but we hope to be able to look into commercial production via tissue culture, which will be the most time consuming and expensive part of the venture – buying the bulb was the easy part! When Thompson & Morgan purchased the world’s first Black Hyacinth ‘Midnight Mystique’ in 1998 for £50,000 a bulb, it took 15 years before it was available to the general public and demand has always outstripped stock.'

As the the cultivar itself, Galanthus woronowii ‘Elizabeth Harrison’ was 'named after the owner of the garden where it first appeared as a seedling in a Scotland a few years ago and it has not been identified growing anywhere else.'

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